Mission, Vision and Purpose


The mission of the Mickey Melba Autoimmune Research Foundation (MMARF) is to raise awareness about autoimmune disorders, prevent healthcare disparities, and improve healthcare outcomes for individuals living with autoimmune disorders. Through advocacy, education, and research, we strive to ensure that individuals with autoimmune disorders receive timely and accurate diagnoses, access to effective treatments, and compassionate care.  The goal of  MMARF ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life for those individuals living with autoimmune disorders and to advance the knowledge of healthcare providers in diagnosing understanding and treatment of these conditions. 


The Mickey Melba Autoimmune Research Foundation (MMARF) envisions a world where individuals living with autoimmune disorders receive timely, accurate diagnoses, effective treatments, and compassionate care, regardless of age, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.  The MMARF envisions a future where the root causes of autoimmune disorders are better understood, and where research leads to the development of more effective and personalized treatments.  The MMARF foundation strives to be a leading voice in the autoimmune community, by advocating, bringing awareness, and resources for those living with these conditions. Through the efforts of MMARF and its network of supporters, the goal is to create a brighter healthier future for all individuals affected by autoimmune disorders, and by doing this MMARF seeks to honor the legacy of Mickey Melba Young-McMiller.


The Mickey Melba Autoimmune Research Foundation has been developed to advance efforts of raising awareness and preventing misdiagnosis for people living with an autoimmune disorder.

Connecting the main impetus of this driving force is attributed to Mickey Melba Young-McMiller. Mickey peacefully went to sleep on March 5, 2023, transitioning at the young age of 17. Mickey had a variation of multiple autoimmune disorders which is extremely rare. Her battle with autoimmunity began at the age of 8 years old. Mickey had been in and out of hospitals and specialty clinics due to the ongoing misdiagnosis. From cancer testing to spinal taps, genetic testing, biopsies and many more invasive procedures that Mickey had to endure, their goal was that other young children would not have to go through years of chronic pain and racial disparities in health care.

Being so frustrated with the health care system, at the age of 13, after many unclear diagnoses and a lack of provided pain management, Mickey began to research her own Eastern and Natural Herb remedies. However, Mickey never complained nor let these unfortunate circumstances hinder her progress.  Mickey was a bright light of support for many and loved every person she encountered. Mickey lived life at an accelerated pace knowing that her body was failing her daily, but she always saw the bright side of everything.  Mickey always wanted to make an impact on autoimmune research and wanted her body donated to science.  Due to her being a minor she was not able to donate her body to science but her foundation was established to honor her goal.