Commonly asked questions about autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune diseases are often misunderstood and a diagnosis leads to an abundance of new questions. MMARF connects you with the information and resources you and your family will need on your patient journey. Read our FAQs to learn more about connecting to patient care, clinical trials and more.
Question 1: Where can I find financial assistance?
MMARF does assist case by case with minimal financial assistance, when funds are available. The following organizations listed on this page may be able to help in addition to MMARF.
Question 2: How does COVID impact autoimmune diseases?
NIH provides information on COVID and the impact on autoimmune patients, Autoimmune response found in many with COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Additional Resources
Autoimmune Diseases | NIAMS (
Understanding Autoimmune Diseases | NIH News in Health
Autoimmune Diseases: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take: Autoimmune Diseases: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take (